Christian Torres

Mechanical Engineer

About Me

My name is Christian Torres and I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. I am currently working in the semiconductor industry as a manufacturing engineer. I created this website in 2023 to showcase some of the work I've done individually and during my time at UT Austin.

About This Website

This is my third attempt in "creating" a website. For my first attempt, I utilized the third party software, Wix. Although usable, it didn't really suit the needs I was looking for. So, for my second attempt, I coded a website from scratch. While functional, the resulting site looked dated. On my third attempt, I made use of a template to help create this site.


  • January 2023 - April 2023

    Automated AFM Lowering Device

    The premise of this senior design project was to construct a lowering mechanism for an atomic force microscope (AFM). This project was the most challenging project I have undetaken throughout my time in college, but has provided invaluable engineering experience. In this project, I was the design lead and focused on the hardware side of things.


    The AFM's being utilized by our sponsor are a relatively new product manufactured by ICSPI known as a "AFM-on-a-chip". The current setup that utilizes these AFM's are manual means that it can take a few minutes to lower the AFM to the appropritate position for a scan. In adddition, as these AFM's work on the micro and nano scales, very fine precision. The goal of this project is to create an automated device to complete the lowering process for the user to increase productivity and minimize the potential of damaging the AFM's themselves.

    Concept Generation

    The main focus of the concept generation was to identify was mechanisms our team wanted to implement for coarse and fine movement. We settled on the use of a linear ball screw actuator for coarse movement. As for fine movement, we had a variety of but ultimately settled on using a voice coil flexure system for fine movement after discussing with our sponsor.

    Final Prototype

    After fine tuning our design, the following model below was the final design we selected and was approve by our sponsor. The use of 80/20 aluminum provided ease of adjustment while being sufficiently rigid as a structural material. Plates were machined to ensure no flex or warping ocurred while under load. A distance sensor was used in conjunction with the ball screw actuator to make the coarse movement closed loop. As for fine movement, the AFM sends signals as it approaches a sample which essentially serves as a feedback signal that can be used for a closed loop system.

    CAD Model:
    SolidWorks AFM Prototype Model
    Final Assembly:
    AFM Assembly
    Future Work

    Although the physical side of the protoype was finished, not all of the software was completed. The software was done through LabView. The closed loop program for the coarse movement was completed, but the fine movement closed loop program was not completed. However, the program itself was layed out such that the time needed to finish the program is minimimzed which was okay with our sponsor.

    Read Final Report

  • August 2022 - December 2022

    Automated Instrument

    The premise of this senior design project was to make and prototype an autonomous instrument for a K-12 audience. The final device was required to play at least 3 different songs without human interaction (e.g. press a button and the device will automatically play a song) and must not exceed a cost of $250. The sections below summarize the major sections of the project.

    Project Proposal

    The first section of the project was creating a project proposal to outline the projects purpose and how we intend to approach the problem at hand. For part of the project proposal, background research was conducted find inspiration and establish previously done autonomous instruments. The main component of this section invovled interviewing an audience to determine key features or requirements for our design. After analyzing the interviews, we established the following as our primary goals for our design: "the automated instrument must be optimized in both form and function, produce high fidelity sound, and be able to be used for a wide range of educational purposes."

    Design Review

    The next section invovled figuring out the subssytems required to automate an instrument and brainstorm designs incorportaing those subssytems. After constructing a mind map and functional model to define various subsystems, we bagan to sketch some preliminary designs utilizing the 6-3-5 and further streamlined the designs using through a morph matrix. We then compared the six designs generated by the morph matrix using a pugh chart. We also created a low resolution prototype of a potential design, but this was later scrapped in favor of a different design.

    Final Prototype

    The last section of the project consisted of actually building a working protoype. The final design we settled on was relatively simple design to ensure that time and budget constraints were met. The design functions as follows: 8 solenoids, one for each note, would be sent a signal from an arduino to momentarily activate. The solenoid would retract and pull a string. The mallet, which is attatched to the string, would then strike the instrument and produce a note. The song was then hardcoded into the Arduino software. Throughout this section of the project, multiple different tests and analysis were also conducted to ensure our design/prototype met requirements or would function as intended.

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    Personal Potenial Design Revisions

    Jingle Bells
    Carry on Wayward Son
  • January 2022 - May 2022

    RC Car Design

    In this project, we made our own rc car. We had a given budget of 50 dollars. The goal of the project was to create a functional rc car while applying concepts learned in class to help design the rc car.

    Read Full Report

    SolidWorks model:
  • April 2022 - May 2022


    The premise of this group CAPSTONE project was to create a circuit that did the following: the circuit would take in the AC signal generated by the windmill (an external fan spins the windmill) and determine whether the windmill is being spun too slowly or quickly via LED’s. An additional LED, which is always on, dims or brightens depending on how fast the windmill spins.

    Before constructing our circuit on a breadboard, we first built the circuit in NI Labview.

    Lab View

    As seen in the picture above, the circuit we made was composed of 3 systems: a rectifier, logic controller, and indicator.

    The rectifier was made using an external DC voltage source, capacitor, and resistor. By placing these components in parallel, we were able to turn the AC signal generated by the windmill into a usable DC signal.

    The rectified signal was fed into logic controllers and an indicator. The logic controllers were constructed with a comparator, a potentiometer and external power source that served as a voltage divider. The voltage from the potentiometer and that of the rectified signal were compared. Depending on which voltage is greater, the signal would or would not be allowed through. For this reason, two logic controllers were used. One classifies a signal that is too quick and the other classifies a signal that is too slow.

    The bottom indicator was constructed with a transistor. With the transistor, depending on the voltage of the rectified signal, the LED would dim or brighten.

    This project was a great learning experience in working with circuits. In addition, it was a good opportunity to test the knowledge we gained through the semester. Building the circuit was like solving a puzzle, it was quite enjoyable.

    See Full Poster

  • The goal of this program was to build a program which would solve a Sudoku puzzle. Alongside the code, I made a basic GUI which allows for the input of a Sudoku puzzle. The basis of program is to try and solve the puzzle systematically like a a normal person would. To do so, a lot of matrix manipulation and list comprehenshion was used. This is the approach I took due to my limited knowledge in Python. I avoided tutorials but did use stackoverflow to help with some of the list comprehenshion.

    However, not all Sudoku puzzles can be solved with regular techniques. This issue occurs with this program as well. If the Sudoku puzzle is too difficult, the program cannot solve it. A seperate algorithm could be utilized in addition to the base program to rectify this issue, but I've stopped working on this to focus on other things.

    Quick demonstration showcasing the program:

  • The goal of this program was to create a typing test that would track the users WPM and accuracy. The program itself is quite simple. After a user types a word and presses the space key, the program will clear the typing box and check to see if the word was spelled correctly. The words themselves are generated at random using an external python package. These words generated are stored in a list and are compared to what the user types in order to determine accuracy.

    Quick demonstration of the program:

  • The goal of this python program was to construct a playable tic-tac-toe game against an “ai”. The program was mostly built using matrix manipulation, logic, and list comprehension and is relatively basic. A random number generator decides if the player or computer goes first. The player is asked to place their marker in a 3 by 3 grid. The “ai” will randomly make a move. If the “ai” sees the player about to win, it will place a marker appropriately to block the player

    The main flaw with the program is that the “ai” is not smart. While it can block off player attempts, at the end of the day, it places markers randomly. Ultimately, this means that the “ai” cannot feasibly win. However, the flaw is somewhat fixable. Depending on the board state, more analysis and logic could be added for the “ai” to make a smart placement rather than a random one.

    Quick demonstration of the program:

  • September 2019 - December 2019

    Reverse Engineering a Product

    The idea behind this school project was to take an existing product, reverse engineer it, and try to learn the designer/manufacturers design choices. In addition, it was to show what we learned in SolidWorks throughout the semester.

    Our group chose to reverse engineer a nerf gun. The first step of the project was to create a fishbone diagram which breaks down a system into its subsystems.

    Fishbone Diagram

    Next, we disassembled the nerf gun and produced a parts list of all of the individual components.

    Parts List

    We then created sketches of the individual parts and subsystems.

    AR System

    We also recreated all of the parts in SolidWorks and constructed an assembly.

    SolidWorks Assembly

    An FEA analysis was also conducted to determine the stress a certain component would experience under a certain load. In our case, we chose the trigger of the nerf gun as that is the main component the user interacts with.

    Over the course of the project, we also produced reports detailing progress as well as reports detailing manufacturing processess that I unfortunately could not find. The project itself was an enjoyable experience throughout. From dissassembly to re-creating the product in SolidWorks, I enjoyed all aspects of the project. In addition, it was great learning experience to with a group for a semester long project. As seen in the SolidWorks section of this website, I remade the SolidWorks model years later.